RSA加密算法 - Hoblovski's Blog - 想拿Ag的蒟蒻.已经Ag滚出.


Hoblovski posted @ 2014年12月14日 03:54 in Discussion with tags RSA , 1219 阅读



p, q, pq, phi(pq)
import random;

    Maximum transferring length at a time : 500 lowercase letters and `.

f = open('RSA.txt','r');
p = int(f.readline());
q = int(f.readline());
N = int(f.readline());
r = int(f.readline());
e = int(f.readline());
d = int(f.readline());

def exp(a,n,mo):
    ans = 1; t = a % mo;
    while n > 0:
        if n & 1 == 1: ans = ans * t % mo;
        t = t * t % mo;
        n >>= 1;
    return ans;

def witness(n,a):
    u,t = n-1,0;
    while u & 1 == 0:
        u >>= 1; t += 1;
    x = exp(a,u,n);
    for i in range(t):
        y = x * x % n;
        if (y==1)and(x<>1)and(x<>n-1): return True;
        x = y;
    return (x<>1);

def Miller_Rabin(n):
    if n < 2: return False;
    s = 128;
    for i in range(s):
        a = random.randint(1,n-1);
        if witness(n,a): return False;
    return True;

def isprime(n):
    if n < 2: return False;
    for i in range(2,int(n ** 0.5)+1):
        if n % i == 0: return False;
    return True;

def findprime(L,R):
    n = random.randint(L,R);
    while not Miller_Rabin(n):
        n = random.randint(L,R);
    return n;

def exgcd(i,j):
    if j == 0: return (i,1,0);
    k = exgcd(j,i % j);
    return (k[0],k[2],k[1]-(i//j)*k[2]);

def inv(a,n):
    b = exgcd(a,n);
    return b[1];

def intencrypt(n):
    return exp(n,e,N);

def intdecrypt(n):
    return exp(n,d,N);

def strencrypt(S):
    s = 0; t = 1;
    for i in S:
        s += (ord(i)-96)*t; t *= 27;
    return intencrypt(s);

def strdecrypt(s):
    s = intdecrypt(s); S = '';
    while s > 0:
        S = S + chr((s % 27)+96);
        s //= 27;
    return S;

def se(S):
    return strencrypt(S);

def sd(s):
    return strdecrypt(s);
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2023年1月07日 21:25

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