BZOJ2300 Defence
题意 给定第一象限以及正半轴上面N个点,动态删点和询问凸包周长.
Tag Treap,动态凸包
736073 hoblovski_1 2300 Accepted 2508 kb 868 ms Pascal 3948 B 2014-09-14 16:28:15
667985 Hoblovski 2300 Accepted 3680 kb 1340 ms Pascal 5183 B 2014-06-09 22:02:29
{$INLINE ON} program bzoj2300; type point=record x,y:longint; end; pnode=^tnode; tnode=record v:point; p:longint; l,r:pnode; end; const maxn=100017; maxm=100017; maxint=longint($3f3f3f3f); var p:array[0..maxn] of point; flag:array[0..maxn] of boolean; op:array[0..maxm] of longint; ans:array[0..maxm] of extended; lmost,rmost:point; n,m,maxx:longint; root,null:pnode; curans:extended; operator <(a,b:point) c:boolean; inline; begin exit((a.x<b.x)or((a.x=b.x)and(a.y<b.y))); end; operator =(a,b:point) c:boolean; inline; begin exit((a.x=b.x)and(a.y=b.y)); end; operator *(a,b:point) c:int64; inline; begin c:=int64(a.x)*b.y-int64(b.x)*a.y; end; operator -(a,b:point) c:point; inline; begin c.x:=b.x-a.x; c.y:=b.y-a.y; end; function dist(a,b:point):extended; inline; begin exit(sqrt(sqr(a.x-b.x)+sqr(a.y-b.y))); end; procedure treap_init; begin new(null); with null^ do begin v.x:=-1; v.y:=-1; p:=maxint; l:=null; r:=null; end; root:=null; end; procedure lrot(var i:pnode); var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.r; i^.r:=j^.l; j^.l:=i; i:=j; end; procedure rrot(var i:pnode); var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.l; i^.l:=j^.r; j^.r:=i; i:=j; end; procedure insert(var i:pnode;j:point); begin if i=null then begin new(i); with i^ do begin v:=j; p:=random(maxint); l:=null; r:=null; end; end else if j<i^.v then begin insert(i^.l,j); if i^.l^.p<i^.p then rrot(i); end else begin insert(i^.r,j); if i^.r^.p<i^.p then lrot(i); end; end; procedure delete(var i:pnode;j:point); begin if j=i^.v then if i^.l=null then i:=i^.r else if i^.r=null then i:=i^.l else if i^.l^.p<i^.r^.p then begin rrot(i); delete(i^.r,j); end else begin lrot(i); delete(i^.l,j); end else if j<i^.v then delete(i^.l,j) else delete(i^.r,j); end; function prev(i:pnode;j:point):point; inline; begin prev:=lmost; while i<>null do if not(i^.v<j) then i:=i^.l else begin prev:=i^.v; i:=i^.r; end; end; function next(i:pnode;j:point):point; inline; begin next:=rmost; while i<>null do if (i^.v<j)or(i^.v=j) then i:=i^.r else begin next:=i^.v; i:=i^.l; end; end; procedure addpoint(a:point); var rp,lp,np:point; begin lp:=prev(root,a); rp:=next(root,a); if (a-lp)*(rp-lp)>=0 then exit; curans:=curans-dist(lp,rp); while not(lp=lmost) do begin np:=prev(root,lp); if (a-lp)*(np-lp)>=0 then begin curans:=curans-dist(lp,np); delete(root,lp); lp:=np; end else break; end; curans:=curans+dist(lp,a); while not(rp=rmost) do begin np:=next(root,rp); if (a-rp)*(np-rp)<=0 then begin curans:=curans-dist(rp,np); delete(root,rp); rp:=np; end else break; end; curans:=curans+dist(rp,a); insert(root,a); end; procedure work; var i,j:longint; begin readln(maxx,p[0].x,p[0].y); fillchar(flag,sizeof(flag),true); readln(n); for i:=1 to n do readln(p[i].x,p[i].y); readln(m); for i:=1 to m do begin read(j); case j of 1:begin readln(op[i]); flag[op[i]]:=false; end; 2:op[i]:=-1; end; end; curans:=2*maxx; lmost.x:=0; lmost.y:=0; rmost.x:=maxx; rmost.y:=0; insert(root,lmost); insert(root,rmost); for i:=0 to n do if flag[i] then addpoint(p[i]); for i:=m downto 1 do if op[i]=-1 then ans[i]:=curans else addpoint(p[op[i]]); for i:=1 to m do if op[i]=-1 then writeln((ans[i]-maxx):0:2); end; begin treap_init; work; end.
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