我的对拍代码库 - Hoblovski's Blog - 想拿Ag的蒟蒻.已经Ag滚出.


Hoblovski posted @ 2014年9月06日 22:17 in Notes with tags unit duipai , 1681 阅读


发一发对拍代码库吧,Author Hoblovski.

使用的话直接在程序头加uses duipai_stl;




unit duipai_stl;


        const maxd=517;

        type ptreapnode=^ttreapnode;
             matrix=array[0..maxd,0..maxd] of longint;
             vector=array[0..maxd] of longint;
             compnum=record x,y:extended; end;
             int=array[0..intsize] of longint;

        const maxn=1000017;

        var p,perm:array[1..maxn] of longint;
	    g:array[1..maxv,1..maxv] of boolean;
            buf:array[0..intsize*ulen] of char;

        procedure swap(var i,j:longint); inline;
        procedure genint(n:longint;var l,r:longint); inline;
        function min(i,j:int64):int64; inline;
        function max(i,j:int64):int64; inline;
        function sgn(r:extended):longint; inline;
        function randsgn(n:int64):int64; inline;
        function randsgn(n:extended):extended; inline;
        function rand(l,r:longint):longint; inline;
        function rand(l,r:char):char; inline;
        function rand(n:extended):extended; inline;
        function rand(n:longint):longint; inline;
        function rand(n:int64):int64; inline;
        procedure randline(n,maxw:longint);
        procedure randtree(n:longint);
        procedure randtree(n,maxw:longint);
        procedure randdag(n,m:longint);
        procedure randdag(n,m,maxw:longint);
        procedure randgraph(n,m:longint);
        procedure randgraph(n,m,maxw:longint);
        procedure randmatrix(n,m,maxw:longint);
        function isprime(n:int64):boolean; inline;
        procedure randperm(n:longint);
        procedure treap_init(var root:ptreapnode);
        procedure lrot(var i:ptreapnode); inline;
        procedure rrot(var i:ptreapnode); inline;
        procedure insert(var i:ptreapnode;j:longint);
        procedure delete(var i:ptreapnode;j:longint);
        function find(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):ptreapnode;
        function rank(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):longint;
        function select(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):ptreapnode;
        function pred(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):longint;
        function succ(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):longint;
        function gcd(i,j:int64):int64; inline;
        function lcm(i,j:int64):int64; inline;
        procedure mul(n:longint;var a,b,c:matrix);
        procedure mul(n:longint;var a:matrix;var b,c:vector);
        function cnum(x,y:extended):compnum; inline;
        function add(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline;
        function sub(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline;
        function mul(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline;
        function dyv(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline;
        operator +(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline;
        operator -(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline;
        operator *(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline;
        operator /(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline;
        operator =(var a,b:compnum) c:boolean; inline;
        procedure add(var a,b,c:int); inline;
        procedure sub(var a,b,c:int); inline;
        procedure mul(var a,b,c:int); inline;
        operator +(var a,b:int) c:int; inline;
        operator -(var a,b:int) c:int; inline;
        operator *(var a,b:int) c:int; inline;
        procedure scan(var a:int); inline;
        procedure print(var a:int); inline;


        procedure swap(var i,j:longint); inline; var k:longint; begin k:=i; i:=j; j:=k; end;

        procedure genint(n:longint;var l,r:longint); inline; begin l:=random(n)+1; r:=random(n+1-l)+l; end;

        function min(i,j:int64):int64; inline; begin if i<j then exit(i) else exit(j); end;

        function max(i,j:int64):int64; inline; begin if i>j then exit(i) else exit(j); end;

        function sgn(r:extended):longint; inline; begin if r<-eps then exit(-1); if r>eps then exit(1); exit(0); end;

        function randsgn(n:int64):int64; inline; begin exit(random(n<<1+1)-n); end;

        function randsgn(n:longint):longint; inline; begin exit(random(n<<1+1)-n); end;

        function randsgn(n:extended):extended; inline; begin exit(random*n*2-n); end;

        function rand(l,r:longint):longint; inline; begin exit(l+random(r-l+1)); end;

        function rand(l,r:char):char; inline; begin exit(chr(rand(ord(l),ord(r)))); end;

        function rand(n:longint):longint; inline; begin exit(random(n)+1); end;

        function rand(n:int64):int64; inline; begin exit(random(n)+1); end;

        function rand(n:extended):extended; inline; begin exit(random*n); end;

        procedure randline(n,maxw:longint);
        var i:longint;
        for i:=1 to n-1 do write(rand(maxw),' '); writeln(rand(maxw));

        procedure randlines(n,maxw:longint);
        var i:longint;
        for i:=1 to n do writeln(rand(maxw));

        procedure randtree(n:longint);
        var i,j,u,v:longint;
        for i:=2 to n do p[i]:=rand(i-1);
        for i:=1 to n do perm[i]:=i;
        for i:=1 to n do swap(perm[i],perm[rand(i)]);
        for i:=2 to n do writeln(perm[i],' ',perm[p[i]]);

        procedure randtree(n,maxw:longint);
        var i,j,u,v:longint;
        for i:=2 to n do p[i]:=rand(i-1);
        for i:=1 to n do perm[i]:=i;
        for i:=1 to n do swap(perm[i],perm[rand(i)]);
        for i:=2 to n do writeln(perm[i],' ',perm[p[i]],' ',rand(maxw));

        procedure randdag(n,m:longint);
        var i,u,v:longint;
        for i:=1 to n do perm[i]:=i; for i:=n downto 1 do swap(perm[i],perm[rand(i)]);
        fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); while m>0 do begin dec(m);
                u:=rand(n); v:=rand(u); while (u=v)or(g[u,v]) do begin
                        u:=rand(n); v:=rand(u);
                end; g[u,v]:=true; writeln(perm[u],' ',perm[v]);

        procedure randdag(n,m,maxw:longint);
        var i,u,v:longint;
        for i:=1 to n do perm[i]:=i; for i:=n downto 1 do swap(perm[i],perm[rand(i)]);
        fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); while m>0 do begin dec(m);
                u:=rand(n); v:=rand(u); while (u=v)or(g[u,v]) do begin
                        u:=rand(n); v:=rand(u);
                end; g[u,v]:=true; writeln(perm[u],' ',perm[v],' ',rand(maxw));

        procedure randgraph(n,m:longint);
        var u,v:longint;
        fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); while m>0 do begin dec(m);
                u:=rand(n); v:=rand(n);
                while (u=v)or(g[u,v]) do begin
                        u:=rand(n); v:=rand(n);
                end; g[u,v]:=true; g[v,u]:=true;
                writeln(u,' ',v);

        procedure randgraph(n,m,maxw:longint);
        var u,v:longint;
        fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); while m>0 do begin dec(m);
                u:=rand(n); v:=rand(n); while (u=v)or(g[u,v]) do begin
                        u:=rand(n); v:=rand(n);
                end; g[u,v]:=true; g[v,u]:=true;
                writeln(u,' ',v,' ',rand(maxw));

        procedure randmatrix(n,m,maxw:longint);
        var i,j:longint;
        for i:=1 to n do begin
                for j:=1 to m do write(rand(maxw),' ');

        procedure randperm(n:longint);
        var i:longint;
        for i:=1 to n do perm[i]:=i;
        for i:=n downto 1 do swap(perm[i],perm[rand(i)]);
        for i:=1 to n-1 do write(perm[i],' '); writeln(perm[n]);

        function isprime(n:int64):boolean; inline;
        var i:longint;
        for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(n)) do
                if n mod i = 0 then exit(false);

        procedure treap_init(var root:ptreapnode);
        new(null); randomize; with null^ do begin
                v:=0; p:=maxint; w:=0; size:=0; l:=null; r:=null;
        end; root:=null;

        procedure lrot(var i:ptreapnode); inline;
        var j:ptreapnode;
        j:=i^.r; i^.r:=j^.l; j^.l:=i; j^.size:=i^.size;
        i^.size:=i^.l^.size+i^.r^.size+i^.w; i:=j;

        procedure rrot(var i:ptreapnode); inline;
        var j:ptreapnode;
        j:=i^.l; i^.l:=j^.r; j^.r:=i; j^.size:=i^.size;
        i^.size:=i^.l^.size+i^.r^.size+i^.w; i:=j;

        procedure insert(var i:ptreapnode;j:longint);
        if i=null then begin
                new(i); with i^ do begin
                        v:=j; p:=random(maxint); w:=1; size:=1; l:=null; r:=null;
        end else if j<i^.v then begin
                insert(i^.l,j); inc(i^.size);
                if i^.l^.p<i^.p then rrot(i);
        end else if j>i^.v then begin
                insert(i^.r,j); inc(i^.size);
                if i^.r^.p<i^.p then lrot(i);
        end else begin
                inc(i^.size); inc(i^.w);

        procedure delete(var i:ptreapnode;j:longint);
        if j=i^.v then
                if i^.w>1 then begin
                        dec(i^.size); dec(i^.w);
                end else if i^.l=null then i:=i^.r
                else if i^.r=null then i:=i^.l
                else if i^.l^.p<i^.r^.p then begin
                        rrot(i); dec(i^.size); delete(i^.r,j);
                end else begin
                        lrot(i); dec(i^.size); delete(i^.l,j);
        else if j<i^.v then begin
                dec(i^.size); delete(i^.l,j);
        end else begin
                dec(i^.size); delete(i^.r,j);

        function find(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):ptreapnode;
        while i<>null do begin
                if j=i^.v then exit(i);
                if j<i^.v then i:=i^.l else i:=i^.r;
        end; exit(null);

        function rank(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):longint;
        while i<>null do begin
                if j=i^.v then exit(rank+i^.l^.size+1)
                else if j<i^.v then i:=i^.l
                else begin
                        inc(rank,i^.l^.size+i^.w); i:=i^.r;

        function select(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):ptreapnode;
        while i<>null do begin
                if (j>i^.l^.size)and(j<=i^.l^.size+i^.w) then exit(i)
                else if j<=i^.l^.size then i:=i^.l
                else begin
                        dec(j,i^.l^.size+i^.w); i:=i^.r;
        end; exit(null);

        function pred(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):longint;
        if i=null then exit(minint);
        if i^.v>=j then exit(pred(i^.l,j));
        pred:=pred(i^.r,j); if pred=-1 then pred:=i^.v;

        function succ(i:ptreapnode;j:longint):longint;
        if i=null then exit(-1);
        if i^.v<=j then exit(succ(i^.r,j));
        succ:=succ(i^.l,j); if succ=-1 then succ:=i^.v;

        function gcd(i,j:int64):int64; inline;
        var k:int64;
        while j<>0 do begin
                k:=i mod j;
        end; exit(i);

        function lcm(i,j:int64):int64; inline;
        exit( i div gcd(i,j) * j );

        procedure mul(n:longint;var a,b,c:matrix);
        var i,j,k:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); for i:=1 to n do for k:=1 to n do if a[i,k]<>0 then
                for j:=1 to n do inc(c[i,j],a[i,k]*b[k,j]);

        procedure mul(n:longint;var a:matrix;var b,c:vector);
        var i,j:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do inc(c[i],a[i,j]*b[j]);

        function cnum(x,y:extended):compnum; inline; begin cnum.x:=x; cnum.y:=y; end;

        function add(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline; begin add.x:=a.x+b.x; add.y:=a.y+b.y; end;

        function sub(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline; begin sub.x:=a.x-b.x; sub.y:=a.y-b.y; end;

        function mul(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline; begin mul.x:=a.x*b.x-a.y*b.y; mul.y:=a.x*b.y+b.x*a.y; end;

        function dyv(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline;
        var r:extended;
        r:=b.x*b.x+b.y*b.y; dyv.x:=(a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y)/r; dyv.y:=(b.x*a.y-a.x*b.y)/r;

        operator +(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline; begin c.x:=a.x+b.x; c.y:=a.y+b.y; end;

        operator -(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline; begin c.x:=a.x-b.x; c.y:=a.y-b.y; end;

        operator *(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline; begin c.x:=a.x*b.x-a.y*b.y; c.y:=a.x*b.y+b.x*a.y; end;

        operator /(var a,b:compnum) c:compnum; inline; var r:extended; begin
        r:=b.x*b.x+b.y*b.y; c.x:=(a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y)/r; c.y:=(b.x*a.y-a.x*b.y)/r; end;

        operator =(var a,b:compnum) c:boolean; inline; begin exit((sgn(a.x-b.x)=0)and(sgn(a.y-b.y)=0)); end;

        procedure add(var a,b,c:int);
        var i:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c[0]:=max(a[0],b[0]); for i:=1 to c[0] do begin
                inc(c[i],a[i]+b[i]); if c[i]>=base then begin dec(c[i],base); inc(c[i+1]); end;
        end; inc(c[0],byte(c[c[0]+1]<>0));

        procedure sub(var a,b,c:int);
        var i:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c[0]:=a[0]; for i:=1 to c[0] do begin
                inc(c[i],a[i]-b[i]); if c[i]<0 then begin inc(c[i],base); dec(c[i+1]); end;
        end; while c[c[0]]=0 do dec(c[0]);

        procedure mul(var a,b,c:int);
        var i,j:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c[0]:=a[0]+b[0]-1;
        for i:=1 to a[0] do for j:=1 to b[0] do begin
                inc(c[i+j-1],a[i]*b[j]); inc(c[i+j],c[i+j-1]div base); c[i+j-1]:=c[i+j-1]mod base;
        end; inc(c[0],byte(c[c[0]+1]<>0));

        operator +(var a,b:int) c:int; inline;
        var i:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c[0]:=max(a[0],b[0]); for i:=1 to c[0] do begin
                inc(c[i],a[i]+b[i]); if c[i]>=base then begin dec(c[i],base); c[i+1]:=1; end;
        end; inc(c[0],byte(c[c[0]+1]<>0));

        operator -(var a,b:int) c:int; inline;
        var i:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c[0]:=a[0]; for i:=1 to c[0] do begin
                inc(c[i],a[i]-b[i]); if c[i]<0 then begin inc(c[i],base); c[i+1]:=-1; end;
        end; while c[c[0]]=0 do dec(c[0]);

        operator *(var a,b:int) c:int; inline;
        var i,j:longint;
        fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c[0]:=a[0]+b[0]-1;
        for i:=1 to a[0] do for j:=1 to b[0] do begin
                inc(c[i+j-1],a[i]*b[j]); inc(c[i+j],c[i+j-1]div base); c[i+j-1]:=c[i+j-1]mod base;
        end; inc(c[0],byte(c[c[0]+1]<>0));

        procedure scan(var a:int);
        var i,j,k:longint;
        k:=0; while not seekeoln do begin inc(k); read(buf[k]); end; readln;
        for i:=1 to k>>1 do begin ch:=buf[i]; buf[i]:=buf[k+1-i]; buf[k+1-i]:=ch; end;
        fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); i:=0; while i+ulen<=k do begin inc(a[0]);
                for j:=ulen downto 1 do a[a[0]]:=a[a[0]]*10+ord(buf[i+j])-48; inc(i,ulen);
        end; if i<k then begin inc(a[0]);
                for j:=k downto i+1 do a[a[0]]:=a[a[0]]*10+ord(buf[j])-48;

        procedure print(var a:int);
        var i,j,k:longint;
        write(a[a[0]]); for i:=a[0]-1 downto 1 do begin s:=s0; k:=ulen; j:=a[i];
                while j>0 do begin s[k]:=chr(j mod 10+48); j:=j div 10; dec(k); end;
        end; writeln;



unit dpchk_stl;


        const maxline=500000;

        type tstrarr=array[0..maxline] of string[43];
             tnumarr=array[0..maxline] of extended;
             tchrarr=array[0..maxchar] of char;
             tlstrarr=array[0..maxline] of ansistring;

        var s1,s2:tstrarr;

        function min(i,j:longint):longint;
        function max(i,j:longint):longint;
        procedure freopen(s:string;flag:char);
        procedure fclose(flag:char);
        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tstrarr;var n:longint);
        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tnumarr;var n:longint);
        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tchrarr;var n:longint);
        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tlstrarr;var n:longint);
        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tstrarr;var n1,n2:longint);
        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tnumarr;var n1,n2:longint;r:extended);
        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tchrarr;var n1,n2:longint);
        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tlstrarr;var n1,n2:longint);
        procedure stdfilecmp(ad1,ad2:string);


        function min(i,j:longint):longint; begin
        if i<j then exit(i) else exit(j);  end;

        function max(i,j:longint):longint; begin
        if i>j then exit(i) else exit(j);  end;

        procedure freopen(s:string;flag:char);
        if flag='r' then begin
                assign(input,s); reset(input)
        end else if flag='w' then begin
                assign(output,s); rewrite(output);

        procedure fclose(flag:char);
        if flag='r' then close(input) else if flag='w' then close(output);

        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tstrarr;var n:longint);
        assign(input,ad); reset(input);
        n:=0; while not seekeof do begin
                inc(n); readln(a[n]);
                while (omiteolnspaces)and(length(a[n])>1)and(a[n][length(a[n])]=' ') do
        end; close(input); while (omiteoflines)and(a[n]='') do dec(n);

        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tnumarr;var n:longint);
        assign(input,ad); reset(input);
        n:=0; while not seekeof do begin
                inc(n); read(a[n]);
        end; close(input);

        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tchrarr;var n:longint);
        assign(input,ad); reset(input);
        n:=0; while not seekeof do begin
                inc(n); read(a[n]);
        end; close(input);

        procedure fread(ad:string;var a:tlstrarr;var n:longint);
        assign(input,ad); reset(input);
        n:=0; while not seekeof do begin
                inc(n); readln(a[n]);
                while (omiteolnspaces)and(length(a[n])>1)and(a[n][length(a[n])]=' ') do
        end; close(input); while (omiteoflines)and(a[n]='') do dec(n);

        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tstrarr;var n1,n2:longint);
        var i:longint;
        for i:=1 to max(n1,n2) do
                if (s1[i]<>s2[i])and(s1[i]<>allowance)and(s2[i]<>allowance) then begin
                        writeln('Fail at Line *** ',i);
                        writeln('File 1 *** ',s1[i],' ***');
                        writeln('File 2 *** ',s2[i],' ***');
                        while true do ;

        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tnumarr;var n1,n2:longint;r:extended);
        var i:longint;
        if r<3e-3 then
                for i:=1 to max(n1,n2) do
                        if abs(s1[i]-s2[i])>r then begin
                                writeln('Fail at Line *** ',i);
                                writeln('File 1 *** ',s1[i]:0:15,' ***');
                                writeln('File 2 *** ',s2[i]:0:15,' ***');
                                while true do ;
                        end else
        else    for i:=1 to max(n1,n2) do
                        if s2[i]<>0 then
                                if abs(s1[i]/s2[i]-1)>r then begin
                                        writeln('Fail at Line *** ',i);
                                        writeln('File 1 *** ',s1[i]:0:15,' ***');
                                        writeln('File 2 *** ',s2[i]:0:15,' ***');
                                        writeln('Fix *** ',s1[i]/s2[i]-1:0:15,' ***');
                                        while true do ;
                                end else
                        else    if (s1[i]>r*1e-3) then begin
                                        writeln('Fail at Line *** ',i);
                                        writeln('File 1 *** ',s1[i]:0:15,' ***');
                                        writeln('File 2 *** ',s2[i]:0:15,' ***');
                                        while true do ;

        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tchrarr;var n1,n2:longint);
        var i:longint;
        for i:=1 to max(n1,n2) do
                if (s1[i]<>s2[i])and((not omitinvalidchar)and(not(ord(s1[i])in[0..31])and(not(ord(s2[i])in[0..31])))) then begin
                        writeln('Fail at Byte *** ',i);
                        writeln('File 1 *** ',s1[i],' ***');
                        writeln('File 2 *** ',s2[i],' ***');
                        writeln('ASCII *** ',ord(s1[i]),' ',ord(s2[i]));
                        while true do ;

        procedure compare(var s1,s2:tlstrarr;var n1,n2:longint);
        var i:longint;
        for i:=1 to max(n1,n2) do
                if (s1[i]<>s2[i])and(s1[i]<>allowance)and(s2[i]<>allowance) then begin
                        writeln('Fail at Line *** ',i);
                        writeln('File 1 *** ',s1[i],' ***');
                        writeln('File 2 *** ',s2[i],' ***');
                        while true do ;

        procedure stdfilecmp(ad1,ad2:string);
        fread(ad1,ls1,n1); fread(ad2,ls2,n2); compare(ls1,ls2,n1,n2);



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Each Commander Deck is centered around a legendary creature card, which serves as the player's Commander. The Commander's color identity determines which cards can be included in the deck. Players start with their Commander in the command zone and can cast it from there during the game. Factors Considered by ChatGPT in Deck Ranking

Naveed 说:
2023年9月04日 22:16

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2023年9月20日 07:52

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