posted @ 2014年8月09日 03:18
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比如 "%28C81%29 %5BKAROMIX %28karory%29%5D ....."
#PROGRAM RENAMER; import os; Dict={ '%5B':'[', '%5b':'[', '%5D':']', '%5d':']', '%28':'(', '%29':')', '%26':'&', '%2B':'+', } CurDir=os.getcwd()+'//'; FileList=os.listdir(CurDir); LogFile=open('Rename.log','w'); print>>LogFile, 'Renaming Work Log'; print>>LogFile, ''; for Name in FileList: NewName=Name; for i in Dict:NewName=NewName.replace(i,Dict[i]); if Name!=NewName: print>>LogFile, 'Original: ',Name; print>>LogFile, 'Current: ',NewName; print>>LogFile, ''; os.rename(CurDir+Name,CurDir+NewName); print 'Successful Renaming work. Press Any Key to Exit'; os.system('pause>nul'); exit();
#PROGRAM RENAMER; import os; Prefix='[CASO&Sumisora][Gochiusa]['; Suffix='][GB][720p]'; CurDir=os.getcwd()+'//'; FileList=os.listdir(CurDir); for Name in FileList: NewName=Prefix+Name; for i in reversed(range(len(NewName))): if NewName[i]=='.': NewName=NewName[0:i]+Suffix+NewName[i:len(NewName)]; break; else: NewName=NewName+Suffix; os.rename(CurDir+Name,CurDir+NewName); print 'Successful Renaming work. Press Any Key to Exit'; os.system('pause>nul'); exit();
2021年10月12日 21:29
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2022年5月02日 19:12
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2023年1月01日 00:18
Python scripts can be automatically named using the __name__ variable. This CBD products variable is set to the name of the script when it is executed. For example, if the script is named "script.py", the __name__ variable will be set to "script".
2023年5月23日 17:20
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2023年7月27日 16:08
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