NOI2014 Day2 废话题解
T1 给定一个串S,定义Numi=|{j | S[1..j]=S[i-j+1..i],j<i-j+1}|
T2 告诉你一个随机排列生成算法之后随机(?)生成一个N×M的棋盘
出题人丧心病狂 卡空间卡常数大样例充满恶意还有充满恶意的随机的构造数据......
T3 给你一颗带权有根树,每个点有属性a,b,p,l.
T1 30分 T2 100分 T3 30分最终得分和估分一模一样233333.....
T1 A掉有100多人简直膝盖跪烂Orzzzzzzz...
T2 各种乱搞算法的处所,D1T2也是各种乱搞23333...
T3 事实上考场上我想到了树上cdq分治,受树上莫队的启发,不过我太弱了.
program bzoj3670; type tnode=record n,next:longint; end; snode=record n,t1:longint; end; const maxn=1000017; maxm=3000017; mo=1000000007; var str:array[0..maxn] of char; pre,g:array[0..maxn] of longint; mem:array[0..maxm] of tnode; s:array[0..maxn] of snode; n,m,top,memsize,caseno:longint; procedure insnbs(u,v:longint); inline; begin inc(memsize); with mem[memsize] do begin n:=v; next:=g[u]; end; g[u]:=memsize; end; procedure init; var i,j:longint; begin n:=0; while not seekeoln do begin inc(n); read(str[n]); end; readln; fillchar(pre,sizeof(pre),0); j:=0; pre[1]:=0; for i:=2 to n do begin while (j>0)and(str[j+1]<>str[i]) do j:=pre[j]; inc(j,byte(str[j+1]=str[i])); pre[i]:=j; end; fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); memsize:=0; for i:=1 to n do insnbs(pre[i],i); end; function dfs(u:longint):int64; var i,j:longint; begin dfs:=1; top:=1; s[top].n:=u; s[top].t1:=g[u]; i:=1; while top>0 do begin if s[top].t1=0 then begin dec(top); j:=s[top].n>>1; while s[i].n>j do dec(i); end else begin inc(top); s[top].n:=mem[s[top-1].t1].n; s[top].t1:=g[s[top].n]; s[top-1].t1:=mem[s[top-1].t1].next; j:=s[top].n>>1; while s[i+1].n<=j do inc(i); dfs:=dfs*i mod mo; end; end; end; begin readln(caseno); while caseno>0 do begin dec(caseno); init; writeln(dfs(0)); end; end.
program bzoj3671; const maxn=25000017; maxr=5017; mask=1<<16-1; var a,p:array[0..maxn] of longint; tr1,tc1,tr2,tc2:array[0..maxr*5] of longint; n,row,col,zkwr,zkwc:longint; procedure init; var i,j,k,t,pa,pb,pc,pd:longint; begin readln(a[0],pa,pb,pc,pd); readln(row,col,k); n:=row*col; for i:=1 to n do a[i]:=(int64(pa)*a[i-1]*a[i-1]+int64(pb)*a[i-1]+pc)mod pd; for i:=1 to n do begin j:=a[i]mod i+1; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=i; end; while k>0 do begin dec(k); readln(i,j); t:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=t; end; k:=0; for i:=1 to row do for j:=1 to col do begin inc(k); p[a[k]]:=(i<<16)or j; end; end; function flag(x,y:longint):boolean; var i,j:longint; begin i:=x+zkwr; j:=col-y; while i>0 do begin if (tr1[i]>=y)or(tr2[i]>j) then exit(false); i:=i>>1; end; i:=y+zkwc; j:=row-x; while i>0 do begin if (tc1[i]>=x)or(tc2[i]>j) then exit(false); i:=i>>1; end; exit(true); end; procedure mark(x,y:longint); var l,r,k:longint; begin l:=x+zkwr; r:=row+zkwr+1; k:=y-1; while l xor r<>1 do begin if (l and 1=0)and(tr1[l xor 1]<k) then tr1[l xor 1]:=k; if (r and 1=1)and(tr1[r xor 1]<k) then tr1[r xor 1]:=k; l:=l>>1; r:=r>>1; end; l:=y+zkwc; r:=col+zkwc+1; k:=x-1; while l xor r<>1 do begin if (l and 1=0)and(tc1[l xor 1]<k) then tc1[l xor 1]:=k; if (r and 1=1)and(tc1[r xor 1]<k) then tc1[r xor 1]:=k; l:=l>>1; r:=r>>1; end; l:=zkwr; r:=x+zkwr; k:=col-y; while l xor r<>1 do begin if (l and 1=0)and(tr2[l xor 1]<k) then tr2[l xor 1]:=k; if (r and 1=1)and(tr2[r xor 1]<k) then tr2[r xor 1]:=k; l:=l>>1; r:=r>>1; end; l:=zkwc; r:=y+zkwc; k:=row-x; while l xor r<>1 do begin if (l and 1=0)and(tc2[l xor 1]<k) then tc2[l xor 1]:=k; if (r and 1=1)and(tc2[r xor 1]<k) then tc2[r xor 1]:=k; l:=l>>1; r:=r>>1; end; end; procedure work; var i,j,k,x,y:longint; begin fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); zkwr:=1; while zkwr<row+2 do zkwr:=zkwr<<1; fillchar(tr1,sizeof(tr1),0); fillchar(tr2,sizeof(tr2),0); zkwc:=1; while zkwc<col+2 do zkwc:=zkwc<<1; fillchar(tc1,sizeof(tc1),0); fillchar(tc2,sizeof(tc2),0); for i:=1 to n do begin x:=(p[i]>>16)and mask; y:=p[i]and mask; if flag(x,y) then begin inc(a[0]); a[a[0]]:=i; mark(x,y); end; end; write(a[1]); for i:=2 to a[0] do write(' ',a[i]); writeln; end; begin init; work; end.
{$INLINE ON} program bzoj3672; type point=record x,y:int64; end; tedge=record n,next:longint; end; pnode=^tnode; tnode=record v,e:point; p:longint; l,r:pnode; end; const maxn=200017; maxm=200017; maxint=longint($3f3f3f3f); eps=1e-9; nuv:point=(x:-1;y:-1); nev:point=(x:0;y:0); var g,fa,anc,q,size,sons:array[0..maxn] of longint; a,b,f,dr,lim:array[0..maxn] of int64; mem:array[0..maxm] of tedge; flag:array[0..maxn] of boolean; n,memsize,casetype,frt,rer:longint; treap,null:pnode; operator <(a,b:point) c:boolean; inline; begin exit((a.x<b.x)or((a.x=b.x)and(a.y<b.y))); end; operator -(a,b:point) c:point; inline; begin c.x:=a.x-b.x; c.y:=a.y-b.y; end; operator *(a,b:point) c:extended; inline; begin exit(extended(a.x)*b.y-extended(b.x)*a.y); end; operator =(a,b:point) c:boolean; inline; begin exit((a.x=b.x)and(a.y=b.y)); end; function min(i,j:int64):int64; inline; begin if i<j then exit(i) else exit(j); end; function max(i,j:int64):int64; inline; begin if i>j then exit(i) else exit(j); end; function sgn(r:extended):longint; inline; begin if r<-eps then exit(-1); if r>eps then exit(1); exit(0); end; procedure insnbs(u,v:longint); inline; begin inc(memsize); mem[memsize].n:=v; mem[memsize].next:=g[u]; g[u]:=memsize; end; procedure treap_init; begin new(null); with null^ do begin v.x:=-1; v.y:=-1; p:=maxint; l:=null; r:=null; end; treap:=null; end; procedure lrot(var i:pnode); inline; var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.r; i^.r:=j^.l; j^.l:=i; i:=j; end; procedure rrot(var i:pnode); inline; var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.l; i^.l:=j^.r; j^.r:=i; i:=j; end; procedure insert(var i:pnode;j:point); begin if i=null then begin new(i); with i^ do begin v:=j; p:=random(maxint); e:=nev; l:=null; r:=null; end; end else if j<i^.v then begin insert(i^.l,j); if i^.l^.p<i^.p then rrot(i); end else begin insert(i^.r,j); if i^.r^.p<i^.p then lrot(i); end; end; procedure delete(var i:pnode;j:point); begin if j=i^.v then if i^.l=null then i:=i^.r else if i^.r=null then i:=i^.l else if i^.l^.p<i^.r^.p then begin rrot(i); delete(i^.r,j); end else begin lrot(i); delete(i^.l,j); end else if j<i^.v then delete(i^.l,j) else delete(i^.r,j); end; function prev(i:pnode;j:point):pnode; inline; begin prev:=null; while i<>null do if not(i^.v<j) then i:=i^.l else begin prev:=i; i:=i^.r; end; end; function next(i:pnode;j:point):pnode; inline; begin next:=null; while i<>null do if (i^.v<j)or(i^.v=j) then i:=i^.r else begin next:=i; i:=i^.l; end; end; procedure update(i:point); var t1,t2:pnode; begin t1:=treap; t2:=next(treap,i); while t1^.v<>i do if i<t1^.v then t1:=t1^.l else t1:=t1^.r; if (t2=null)or(t1=null) then t1^.e:=nev else t1^.e:=t2^.v-t1^.v; end; procedure addpoint(a:point); var rp,lp,np:point; begin lp:=prev(treap,a)^.v; if lp=nuv then begin rp:=next(treap,a)^.v; while true do begin np:=next(treap,rp)^.v; if np=nuv then break; if sgn((rp-a)*(np-a))>=0 then begin delete(treap,rp); rp:=np; end else break; end; insert(treap,a); update(a); exit; end; rp:=next(treap,a)^.v; if rp=nuv then begin lp:=prev(treap,a)^.v; while true do begin np:=prev(treap,lp)^.v; if np=nuv then break; if sgn((lp-a)*(np-a))<=0 then begin delete(treap,lp); lp:=np; end else break; end; insert(treap,a); if lp<>nuv then update(lp); exit; end; if sgn((a-lp)*(rp-lp))>=0 then exit; while true do begin np:=prev(treap,lp)^.v; if np=nuv then break; if sgn((a-lp)*(np-lp))>=0 then begin delete(treap,lp); lp:=np; end else break; end; while true do begin np:=next(treap,rp)^.v; if np=nuv then break; if sgn((a-rp)*(np-rp))<=0 then begin delete(treap,rp); rp:=np; end else break; end; insert(treap,a); update(a); update(prev(treap,a)^.v); end; function tanpoint(a:point):point; var t1:pnode; begin tanpoint.x:=0; tanpoint.y:=0; if treap=null then begin tanpoint.x:=maxint; exit; end; t1:=treap; while t1<>null do begin if sgn(t1^.e*a)<0 then t1:=t1^.r else begin tanpoint:=t1^.v; t1:=t1^.l; end; end; end; function centre(root:longint):longint; var i,j,head,tail,t1,ans:longint; begin frt:=0; rer:=1; q[1]:=root; while frt<rer do begin inc(frt); head:=q[frt]; t1:=g[head]; while t1<>0 do begin tail:=mem[t1].n; if not flag[tail] then begin inc(rer); q[rer]:=tail; end; t1:=mem[t1].next; end; size[head]:=0; sons[head]:=0; end; ans:=maxint; for i:=rer downto 1 do begin j:=q[i]; inc(size[j]); sons[fa[j]]:=max(sons[fa[j]],size[j]); t1:=max(sons[j],rer-size[j]); if t1<ans then begin ans:=t1; centre:=j; end; inc(size[fa[j]],size[j]); end; end; procedure qsort(l,r:longint); var i,j,k,o:longint; begin i:=l; j:=r; k:=q[l+random(r-l+1)]; repeat while lim[q[i]]>lim[k] do inc(i); while lim[q[j]]<lim[k] do dec(j); if i<=j then begin o:=q[i]; q[i]:=q[j]; q[j]:=o; inc(i); dec(j); end; until i>j; if i<r then qsort(i,r); if j>l then qsort(l,j); end; procedure update(u,root:longint); var i,j,ac,head,tail,t1:longint; tp:point; begin frt:=0; rer:=1; q[1]:=u; while frt<rer do begin inc(frt); head:=q[frt]; t1:=g[head]; while t1<>0 do begin tail:=mem[t1].n; if not flag[tail] then begin inc(rer); q[rer]:=tail; end; t1:=mem[t1].next; end; end; qsort(1,rer); treap:=null; ac:=0; head:=u; while head<>root do begin head:=fa[head]; inc(ac); anc[ac]:=head; end; if ac>0 then begin j:=1; for i:=1 to rer do begin u:=q[i]; while (j<=ac)and(dr[anc[j]]>=lim[u]) do begin tp.x:=f[anc[j]]; tp.y:=dr[anc[j]]; addpoint(tp); inc(j); end; if j>1 then begin tp.x:=a[u]; tp.y:=1; tp:=tanpoint(tp); f[u]:=min(f[u],dr[u]*a[u]+b[u]+tp.x-a[u]*tp.y); end; end; end else begin for i:=1 to rer do begin u:=q[i]; if dr[root]>=lim[u] then f[u]:=min(f[u],dr[u]*a[u]+b[u]+f[root]-a[u]*dr[root]); end; end; end; procedure init; var i,head,t1:longint; begin fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); memsize:=1; readln(n,casetype); for i:=2 to n do begin readln(fa[i],dr[i],a[i],b[i],lim[i]); insnbs(fa[i],i); end; frt:=0; rer:=1; q[1]:=1; while frt<rer do begin inc(frt); head:=q[frt]; inc(dr[head],dr[fa[head]]); t1:=g[head]; while t1<>0 do begin inc(rer); q[rer]:=mem[t1].n; t1:=mem[t1].next; end; lim[head]:=dr[head]-lim[head]; end; fillchar(flag,sizeof(flag),0); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),$3f); f[1]:=0; end; procedure work(root:longint); var u,t1:longint; begin u:=centre(root); flag[u]:=true; if u<>root then begin work(root); update(u,root); work(u); end else begin update(u,root); t1:=g[u]; while t1<>0 do begin if not flag[mem[t1].n] then work(mem[t1].n); t1:=mem[t1].next; end; end; end; procedure answer; var i:longint; begin for i:=2 to n do writeln(f[i]); end; begin treap_init; init; work(1); answer; end.
2021年10月23日 14:20
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