BZOJ1509 NOI2003 Hookey
题意 给定带权无根树T.找到T中三个顶点A,B,C,满足d(A,B)<=d(B,C).
最大化 d(B,A)+d(A,C).
Tag DP,啪啪啪
于是我们记 d[u][1]表示u到u子树内最近,d[u][2]第二近..
{$INLINE ON} program bzoj1509_1; const size=3; type tnode=record n,w,next:longint; end; inta=array[1..size] of int64; const maxn=200017; var g,q,p,pe,son:array[0..maxn] of longint; v,flag:array[0..maxn] of boolean; d:array[0..maxn] of inta; od:array[0..maxn] of int64; mem:array[0..maxn*2] of tnode; n,m,memsize,frt,rer:longint; function max(i,j:int64):int64; inline; begin if i>j then exit(i) else exit(j); end; procedure insnbs(u,v,iw:longint); inline; begin inc(memsize); with mem[memsize] do begin n:=v; w:=iw; next:=g[u]; end; g[u]:=memsize; inc(memsize); with mem[memsize] do begin n:=u; w:=iw; next:=g[v]; end; g[v]:=memsize; end; procedure insert(var s:inta;v:int64); inline; var i:longint; begin for i:=1 to size do if v>s[i] then begin if i<size then move(s[i],s[i+1],(size-i)<<3); s[i]:=v; break; end; end; function dp(u:longint):int64; var head,tail,t1,i,j:longint; k:int64; begin fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); fillchar(v,sizeof(v),0); frt:=0; rer:=1; q[rer]:=u; v[u]:=true; while frt<rer do begin inc(frt); head:=q[frt]; t1:=g[head]; while t1<>0 do begin tail:=mem[t1].n; if not v[tail] then begin inc(rer); q[rer]:=tail; v[tail]:=true; p[tail]:=head; pe[tail]:=t1; end; t1:=mem[t1].next; end; end; for j:=rer downto 2 do begin i:=q[j]; k:=d[i][1]+mem[pe[i]].w; if k>d[p[i]][1] then son[p[i]]:=i; insert(d[p[i]],k); end; for i:=1 to n do flag[son[i]]:=true; fillchar(od,sizeof(od),0); for j:=2 to rer do begin i:=q[j]; od[i]:=max(od[p[i]],d[p[i]][1+byte(flag[i])])+mem[pe[i]].w; end; for i:=1 to n do insert(d[i],od[i]); dp:=0; for i:=1 to n do dp:=max(dp,d[i][1]+d[i][2]<<1+d[i][3]); end; procedure init; var i,j,u,v,w:longint; begin fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); memsize:=1; fillchar(flag,sizeof(flag),0); readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(u,v,w); insnbs(u,v,w); end; end; begin init; writeln(dp(1)); end.
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