BZOJ1146 Network
Tag 树链剖分 DFS序 主席树 树状数组 线段树套平衡树
时间复杂度 O(Mlg^4N)
区间不好搞于是我们把这个元素拆成2个{L,w,+1},{R+1,w,-1} 特判一下R=N
u的权值线段树 + v的权值线段树 - 2*fa[lca(u,v)]的权值线段树
其实我自己也不清楚是怎么A的www反正就是乱搞啦,虽然最后还是Pascal Rank1.
好像我很怨念"什么什么k大"的,BZOJ上1901区间k大蒟蒻是Pascal Rank1(暂定),1146树上k大也是Pascal Rank1(暂定)
program bzoj1146; type tedge=record n,next:longint; end; pnode=^tnode; tnode=record v,p,w,size:longint; l,r:pnode; end; snode=record n,t1:longint; end; const maxn=80017; maxint=longint($3f3f3f3f); minint=longint($c0c0c0c0); maxans=longint(100000000); var g,size,son,fa,dep,top,pos,initw,inits:array[0..maxn] of longint; node:array[0..maxn*5] of pnode; v:array[0..maxn] of boolean; mem:array[0..maxn*2] of tedge; s:array[1..maxn] of snode; n,m,memsize,segsize,rer:longint; null:pnode; function min(i,j:longint):longint; begin if i<j then exit(i) else exit(j); end; function max(i,j:longint):longint; begin if i>j then exit(i) else exit(j); end; procedure treap_init; begin new(null); randomize; with null^ do begin v:=0; p:=maxint; w:=0; size:=0; l:=null; r:=null; end; end; procedure lrot(var i:pnode); var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.r; i^.r:=j^.l; j^.l:=i; j^.size:=i^.size; i^.size:=i^.l^.size+i^.r^.size+i^.w; i:=j; end; procedure rrot(var i:pnode); var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.l; i^.l:=j^.r; j^.r:=i; j^.size:=i^.size; i^.size:=i^.l^.size+i^.r^.size+i^.w; i:=j; end; procedure insert(var i:pnode;j:longint); begin if i=null then begin new(i); with i^ do begin v:=j; p:=random(maxint); w:=1; size:=1; l:=null; r:=null; end; end else if j<i^.v then begin insert(i^.l,j); inc(i^.size); if i^.l^.p<i^.p then rrot(i); end else if j>i^.v then begin insert(i^.r,j); inc(i^.size); if i^.r^.p<i^.p then lrot(i); end else begin inc(i^.w); inc(i^.size); end; end; procedure delete(var i:pnode;j:longint); begin if j=i^.v then if i^.w>1 then begin dec(i^.size); dec(i^.w); end else if i^.l=null then i:=i^.r else if i^.r=null then i:=i^.l else if i^.l^.p<i^.r^.p then begin rrot(i); dec(i^.size); delete(i^.r,j); end else begin lrot(i); dec(i^.size); delete(i^.l,j); end else if j<i^.v then begin delete(i^.l,j); dec(i^.size); end else begin delete(i^.r,j); dec(i^.size); end; end; function rank(i:pnode;j:longint):longint; begin rank:=0; while (i<>null) do if j=i^.v then exit(rank+i^.l^.size) else if j<i^.v then i:=i^.l else begin inc(rank,i^.l^.size+i^.w); i:=i^.r; end; end; function succ(i:pnode;j:longint):longint; (* INCLUSIVE *) begin if i=null then exit(maxint); if i^.v<j then exit(succ(i^.r,j)); succ:=succ(i^.l,j); if succ=maxint then succ:=i^.v; end; procedure build(i,l,r:longint); var mid:longint; begin node[i]:=null; for mid:=l to r do insert(node[i],inits[mid]); if l<r then begin mid:=(l+r)>>1; build(i<<1,l,mid); build(i<<1+1,mid+1,r); end; end; function intrank(i,l,r, il,ir,j:longint):longint; var mid:longint; begin if (l=il)and(r=ir) then exit(rank(node[i],j)); mid:=(l+r)>>1; intrank:=0; if il<=mid then intrank:=intrank(i<<1,l,mid, il,min(mid,ir),j); if ir>mid then inc(intrank,intrank(i<<1+1,mid+1,r, max(mid+1,il),ir,j )); end; function intsucc(i,l,r, il,ir,j:longint):longint; var mid:longint; begin if (l=il)and(r=ir) then exit(succ(node[i],j)); mid:=(l+r)>>1; intsucc:=maxint; if il<=mid then intsucc:=intsucc(i<<1,l,mid, il,min(mid,ir),j); if ir>mid then intsucc:=min(intsucc,intsucc(i<<1+1,mid+1,r, max(mid+1,il),ir,j)); end; procedure intedit(i,l,r, j,k:longint); var mid:longint; begin while l<>r do begin delete(node[i],inits[j]); insert(node[i],k); mid:=(l+r)>>1; if j<=mid then begin i:=i<<1; r:=mid; end else begin i:=i<<1+1; l:=mid+1; end; end; delete(node[i],inits[j]); insert(node[i],k); inits[j]:=k; end; procedure insnbs(u,v:longint); begin inc(memsize); with mem[memsize] do begin n:=v; next:=g[u]; end; g[u]:=memsize; inc(memsize); with mem[memsize] do begin n:=u; next:=g[v]; end; g[v]:=memsize; end; procedure dfs1(u:longint); var head:longint; begin fillchar(v,sizeof(v),0); dep[u]:=1; fa[u]:=0; rer:=1; s[rer].n:=u; s[rer].t1:=g[u]; v[u]:=true; while rer>0 do begin head:=s[rer].n; while (s[rer].t1<>0)and(v[mem[s[rer].t1].n]) do s[rer].t1:=mem[s[rer].t1].next; if s[rer].t1=0 then begin inc(size[head]); inc(size[fa[head]],size[head]); if (son[fa[head]]=0)or(size[head]>size[son[fa[head]]]) then son[fa[head]]:=head; dec(rer); end else begin inc(rer); s[rer].n:=mem[s[rer-1].t1].n; s[rer].t1:=g[s[rer].n]; v[s[rer].n]:=true; dep[s[rer].n]:=dep[head]+1; fa[s[rer].n]:=head; end; end; end; procedure dfs2(u:longint); var i:longint; begin fillchar(v,sizeof(v),0); top[u]:=u; segsize:=1; pos[u]:=segsize; inits[segsize]:=initw[u]; rer:=1; s[rer].n:=u; s[rer].t1:=g[u]; v[u]:=true; while rer>0 do begin while (s[rer].t1<>0)and(v[mem[s[rer].t1].n]) do s[rer].t1:=mem[s[rer].t1].next; if (son[s[rer].n]<>0)and(not v[son[s[rer].n]]) then begin inc(rer); s[rer].n:=son[s[rer-1].n]; s[rer].t1:=g[s[rer].n]; v[s[rer].n]:=true; top[s[rer].n]:=top[s[rer-1].n]; inc(segsize); pos[s[rer].n]:=segsize; inits[segsize]:=initw[s[rer].n]; end else if s[rer].t1=0 then dec(rer) else begin inc(rer); s[rer].n:=mem[s[rer-1].t1].n; s[rer].t1:=g[s[rer].n]; v[s[rer].n]:=true; top[s[rer].n]:=s[rer].n; inc(segsize); pos[s[rer].n]:=segsize; inits[segsize]:=initw[s[rer].n]; end; end; end; function pthrank(i,j, k:longint):longint; (* CNT( on [i<->j] ;; point ;; point weight LESS than k *) begin pthrank:=0; while top[i]<>top[j] do if dep[top[i]]>dep[top[j]] then begin inc(pthrank, intrank(1,1,n, pos[top[i]],pos[i],k )); i:=fa[top[i]]; end else begin inc(pthrank, intrank(1,1,n, pos[top[j]],pos[j],k )); j:=fa[top[j]]; end; if dep[i]<dep[j] then inc(pthrank,intrank(1,1,n, pos[i],pos[j],k )) else inc(pthrank,intrank(1,1,n, pos[j],pos[i],k )); end; function pthsucc(i,j, k:longint):longint; begin pthsucc:=maxint; while top[i]<>top[j] do if dep[top[i]]>dep[top[j]] then begin pthsucc:=min(pthsucc,intsucc(1,1,n, pos[top[i]],pos[i],k)); i:=fa[top[i]]; end else begin pthsucc:=min(pthsucc,intsucc(1,1,n, pos[top[j]],pos[j],k)); j:=fa[top[j]]; end; if dep[i]<dep[j] then pthsucc:=min(pthsucc,intsucc(1,1,n, pos[i],pos[j],k)) else pthsucc:=min(pthsucc,intsucc(1,1,n, pos[j],pos[i],k)); end; function pthselect(i,j, k:longint):longint; (* find point weight ;; point on [i<->j] ;; k pwoij LESS than *) var l,r,mid:longint; begin l:=0; r:=maxans; mid:=pthrank(i,j, maxans); if mid<=k then exit(-1); while l<>r do begin mid:=(l+r)>>1; if pthrank(i,j, mid+1)<=k then l:=mid+1 else r:=mid; end; exit(pthsucc(i,j, l)); end; function pthrevselect(i,j, k:longint):longint; var l,r,mid:longint; begin l:=0; r:=maxans; mid:=pthrank(i,j, maxans); if mid<=k then exit(-1) else k:=mid-k-1; while l<>r do begin mid:=(l+r)>>1; if pthrank(i,j, mid+1)<=k then l:=mid+1 else r:=mid; end; exit(pthsucc(i,j, l)); end; procedure init; var i,j,k,u,v:longint; begin fillchar(g,sizeof(g),0); memsize:=1; readln(n,m); for i:=1 to n do read(initw[i]); readln; for i:=1 to n-1 do begin readln(u,v); insnbs(u,v); end; end; procedure work; const errmsg='invalid request!'; var i,j,k:longint; begin while m>0 do begin dec(m); readln(k,i,j); if k=0 then begin intedit(1,1,n, pos[i],j); end else begin k:=pthrevselect(i,j,k-1); if k=-1 then writeln(errmsg) else writeln(k); end; end; end; begin treap_init; init; dfs1(1); dfs2(1); build(1,1,n); work; end.
算了介于是Pasal Rank 1暂定,就不发代码了233
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