BZOJ1014 Prefix
Tag Splay
没办法,把Hash模大素数改成了and maxlongint,WA.然后把字符串改成了29进制才AC.
{$INLINE ON} program bzoj1014; type pnode=^tnode; tnode=record v,h,size:longint; l,r,p:pnode; end; const mo:int64=1000000007; base:int64=29; maxn=100017; var root,null:pnode; s,e:array[0..maxn] of longint; n,m:longint; procedure splay_init; begin new(null); with null^ do begin v:=0; h:=0; size:=0; l:=null; r:=null; p:=null; end; root:=null; end; procedure rk(var i:pnode); inline; begin i^.h:=(int64(i^.l^.h)*int64(e[i^.r^.size+1])+int64(i^.v)*e[i^.r^.size]+int64(i^.r^.h)) and maxlongint; end; procedure lrot(var i:pnode); var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.r; i^.r:=j^.l; j^.l:=i; j^.p:=i^.p; i^.p:=j; i^.r^.p:=i; i^.size:=i^.l^.size+i^.r^.size+1; j^.size:=j^.l^.size+j^.r^.size+1; if i=root then root:=j else if i=j^.p^.l then j^.p^.l:=j else j^.p^.r:=j; rk(i); rk(j); i:=j; end; procedure rrot(var i:pnode); var j:pnode; begin j:=i^.l; i^.l:=j^.r; j^.r:=i; j^.p:=i^.p; i^.p:=j; i^.l^.p:=i; i^.size:=i^.l^.size+i^.r^.size+1; j^.size:=j^.l^.size+j^.r^.size+1; if i=root then root:=j else if i=j^.p^.l then j^.p^.l:=j else j^.p^.r:=j; rk(i); rk(j); i:=j; end; procedure dsplay(var i,j:pnode); var k:pnode; begin while i<>j do if i^.p=j then if i=j^.l then rrot(j) else lrot(j) else if i=i^.p^.l then if i^.p=i^.p^.p^.l then begin k:=i^.p^.p; rrot(k); k:=i^.p; rrot(k); end else begin k:=i^.p; rrot(k); k:=i^.p; lrot(k); end else if i^.p=i^.p^.p^.l then begin k:=i^.p; lrot(k); k:=i^.p; rrot(k); end else begin k:=i^.p^.p; lrot(k); k:=i^.p; lrot(k); end; end; procedure ssplay(var i,j:pnode); var k:pnode; begin while i<>j do begin k:=i^.p; if i=k^.l then rrot(k) else lrot(k); end; rk(i); end; function select(i:pnode;j:longint):pnode; inline; begin while i<>null do if j=i^.l^.size+1 then exit(i) else if j<=i^.l^.size then i:=i^.l else begin dec(j,i^.l^.size+1); i:=i^.r; end; exit(null); end; procedure build(var i:pnode;l,r:longint); var mid:longint; begin mid:=(l+r)>>1; new(i); i^.v:=s[mid]; i^.size:=r-l+1; i^.p:=null; if l<mid then begin build(i^.l,l,mid-1); i^.l^.p:=i; end else i^.l:=null; if r>mid then begin build(i^.r,mid+1,r); i^.r^.p:=i; end else i^.r:=null; rk(i); end; procedure prepint(i,j:longint); var k:pnode; begin k:=select(root,i); ssplay(k,root); k:=select(root,j); ssplay(k,root^.r); rk(root^.r^.l); end; function lcp(i,j:longint):longint; var l,r,mid,h1,h2:longint; begin if i>j then begin l:=i; i:=j; j:=l; end; l:=0; r:=n-j+1; while l<>r do begin mid:=(l+r)>>1+1; prepint(i,i+mid+1); h1:=root^.r^.l^.h; prepint(j,j+mid+1); h2:=root^.r^.l^.h; if h1=h2 then l:=mid else r:=mid-1; end; exit(l); end; procedure init; var i,j:longint; ch:char; begin e[0]:=1; for i:=1 to maxn do e[i]:=int64(e[i-1])*base and maxlongint; fillchar(s,sizeof(s),0); while not seekeoln do begin inc(n); read(ch); s[n]:=ord(ch)-97; end; readln; build(root,0,n+1); end; procedure work; var i,j,k:longint; ch:char; t1:pnode; begin readln(m); while m>0 do begin dec(m); read(ch); case ch of 'Q':begin readln(i,j); writeln(lcp(i,j)); end; 'I':begin read(i,ch); readln(ch); j:=ord(ch)-97; prepint(i+1,i+2); new(root^.r^.l); with root^.r^.l^ do begin v:=j; h:=j; size:=1; l:=null; r:=null; p:=root^.r; end; inc(root^.size); inc(root^.r^.size); rk(root^.r); rk(root); inc(n); end; 'R':begin read(i,ch); readln(ch); j:=ord(ch)-97; t1:=select(root,i+1); t1^.v:=j; ssplay(t1,root); end; end; end; end; begin splay_init; init; work; end.
{$INLINE ON} program bzoj1014; type pnode=^tnode; tnode=record v:byte; h1,p,size:longint; l,r:pnode; end; const maxint=longint($3f3f3f3f); mo1=int64(1325000071); maxn=150017; base=int64(26); var root,null:pnode; e1,e2:array[0..maxn] of longint; s:array[0..maxn] of byte; n,m,cq:longint; procedure treap_init; begin new(null); with null^ do begin v:=0; h1:=0; p:=maxint; size:=0; l:=null; r:=null; end; root:=null; end; procedure rk(var i:pnode); inline; begin with i^ do begin h1:=(int64(l^.h1)*int64(e1[r^.size+1])+int64(v)*int64(e1[r^.size])+int64(r^.h1)) mod mo1; end; end; function merge(i,j:pnode):pnode; begin if i=null then begin rk(j); exit(j); end; if j=null then begin rk(i); exit(i); end; if i^.p<j^.p then begin inc(i^.size,j^.size); i^.r:=merge(i^.r,j); rk(i); exit(i); end else begin inc(j^.size,i^.size); j^.l:=merge(i,j^.l); rk(j); exit(j); end; end; procedure split(i:pnode;j:longint;var t1,t2:pnode); begin if i=null then begin rk(i); t1:=null; t2:=null; end else if j<=i^.l^.size then begin dec(i^.size,j); split(i^.l,j,t1,t2); i^.l:=t2; t2:=i; end else begin i^.size:=j; split(i^.r,j-i^.l^.size-1,t1,t2); i^.r:=t1; t1:=i; end; rk(i); end; procedure build(var i:pnode;idf,l,r:longint); var mid:longint; begin mid:=(l+r)>>1; new(i); i^.v:=s[mid]; i^.size:=r-l+1; i^.p:=idf; if l<mid then build(i^.l,idf<<1, l,mid-1) else i^.l:=null; if r>mid then build(i^.r,idf<<1+1,mid+1,r) else i^.r:=null; rk(i); end; function lcp(i,j:longint):longint; var k,l,r,mid,h11,h21:longint; t1,t2,t3:pnode; begin if i>j then begin k:=i; i:=j; j:=k; end; l:=0; r:=n-j+1; while l<>r do begin mid:=(l+r)>>1+1; split(root,i-1,t1,t2); split(t2,mid,t2,t3); h11:=t2^.h1; root:=merge(merge(t1,t2),t3); split(root,j-1,t1,t2); split(t2,mid,t2,t3); h21:=t2^.h1; root:=merge(merge(t1,t2),t3); if (h11=h21) then l:=mid else r:=mid-1; end; exit(l); end; procedure init; var i,j:longint; ch:char; begin e1[0]:=1; e2[0]:=1; for i:=1 to maxn do e1[i]:=int64(e1[i-1])*base mod mo1; while not seekeoln do begin inc(n); read(ch); s[n]:=ord(ch)-96; end; readln; build(root,1,1,n); end; procedure work; var i,j:longint; ch:char; t1,t2,t3:pnode; begin readln(m); while m>0 do begin dec(m); read(ch); case ch of 'Q':begin readln(i,j); writeln(lcp(i,j)); end; 'R':begin read(i,ch); readln(ch); j:=ord(ch)-96; split(root,i-1,t1,t2); split(t2,1,t2,t3); t2^.v:=j; root:=merge(merge(t1,t2),t3); end; 'I':begin read(i,ch); readln(ch); j:=ord(ch)-96; inc(n); split(root,i,t1,t3); new(t2); with t2^ do begin v:=j; p:=random(maxint); size:=1; l:=null; r:=null; end; root:=merge(merge(t1,t2),t3); end; end; end; end; begin treap_init; init; work; end.
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