BZOJ3287 Mato刷屏计划
A 键入一个字符
B 全选所有字符
C 内存清空,把选定字符复制到内存
D 把内存中的字符们粘贴,内存不清空
准许按N次键盘 求N次结束后最多可以输出多少字符
Tag 斜率优化,结论题,FFT
显然有方程 f[i]=max{f[i-1]+1,f[j]*(i-j-1)}
其中r in [11,15]且r+5e=N.考虑计算4^e.但是e可达200000,首先快速幂是肯定的了.
这时候就是FFT的用场了,而且普通FFT也会TLE,要压3位或者4位的FFT才能极限数据跑进1s,然后我不会NTT(ZJOI喜闻乐见卡NTT),Orzzz写NTT的神牛们,Orzzzz这道题代码下2K的神牛们.{$INLINE ON}
program bzoj3287; const tpi=extended(2*3.14159265358979323846264); maxlen=270017; maxdig=270017; base=10000; ulen=4; s0='0000'; type compnum=record x,y:extended; end; poly=array[0..maxlen] of compnum; int=array[0..maxdig] of int64; const f0:array[1..$f] of longint=( 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,16,20,27,36,48,64,81 ); var n,l,e,r:longint; a,b,c,t:int; ta,tb,tc:poly; tmp:array[0..maxdig] of int64; function max(i,j:longint):longint; begin if i>j then exit(i) else exit(j); end; function add(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline; begin add.x:=a.x+b.x; add.y:=a.y+b.y; end; function sub(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline; begin sub.x:=a.x-b.x; sub.y:=a.y-b.y; end; function mul(a,b:compnum):compnum; inline; begin mul.x:=(a.x*b.x-a.y*b.y); mul.y:=(a.x*b.y+b.x*a.y); end; procedure fft_init(m:longint); begin l:=0; n:=1; while n<m<<1 do begin inc(l); n:=n<<1; end; end; procedure bit_rev(var a:poly); var i,j,u,v:longint; t:compnum; begin for i:=0 to n-1 do begin u:=0; v:=i; for j:=1 to l do begin u:=(u<<1)or(v and 1); v:=v>>1; end; if u<i then begin t:=a[u]; a[u]:=a[i]; a[i]:=t; end; end; end; procedure dft(var a:poly); var i,j,k,m:longint; w,wm,u,v:compnum; begin bit_rev(a); for i:=1 to l do begin m:=1<<i; wm.x:=cos(tpi/m); wm.y:=sin(tpi/m); j:=0; while j<n do begin w.x:=1; w.y:=0; for k:=0 to m>>1-1 do begin u:=a[j+k]; v:=mul(w,a[j+k+m>>1]); a[j+k]:=add(u,v); a[j+k+m>>1]:=sub(u,v); w:=mul(w,wm); end; inc(j,m); end; end; end; procedure idft(var a:poly); var i,j,k,m:longint; w,wm,u,v:compnum; begin bit_rev(a); for i:=1 to l do begin m:=1<<i; wm.x:=cos(tpi/m); wm.y:=-sin(tpi/m); j:=0; while j<n do begin w.x:=1; w.y:=0; for k:=0 to m>>1-1 do begin u:=a[j+k]; v:=mul(w,a[j+k+m>>1]); a[j+k]:=add(u,v); a[j+k+m>>1]:=sub(u,v); w:=mul(w,wm); end; inc(j,m); end; end; for i:=0 to n-1 do a[i].x:=a[i].x/n; end; procedure convolution(var a,b,c:poly); var i:longint; begin dft(a); dft(b); for i:=0 to n-1 do c[i]:=mul(a[i],b[i]); idft(c); end; procedure mulbrute(var a,b,c:int); var i,j:longint; begin fillchar(c,(a[0]+b[0])<<4,0); c[0]:=a[0]+b[0]-1; for i:=1 to a[0] do for j:=1 to b[0] do begin inc(c[i+j-1],a[i]*b[j]); inc(c[i+j],c[i+j-1] div base); c[i+j-1]:=c[i+j-1] mod base; end; if c[c[0]+1]<>0 then inc(c[0]); end; procedure mul(var a,b,c:int); var i:longint; begin if max(a[0],b[0])<200 then begin mulbrute(a,b,c); exit; end; fft_init(max(a[0],b[0])); for i:=0 to n-1 do begin ta[i].x:=a[i+1]; ta[i].y:=0; tb[i].x:=b[i+1]; tb[i].y:=0; end; convolution(ta,tb,tc); c[0]:=n; for i:=0 to n-1 do c[i+1]:=round(tc[i].x); for i:=1 to n do begin inc(c[i+1],c[i] div base); c[i]:=c[i] mod base; end; while c[c[0]+1]>=base do begin inc(c[0]); c[c[0]+1]:=c[0] div base; c[c[0]]:=c[c[0]] mod base; end; while c[c[0]]=0 do dec(c[0]); end; procedure mul(var a:int;b:longint;var c:int); var i:longint; begin fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c[0]:=a[0]+40; for i:=1 to c[0] do begin inc(c[i],a[i]*b); inc(c[i+1],c[i] div base); c[i]:=c[i] mod base; end; while c[c[0]]=0 do dec(c[0]); end; procedure print(var a:int); var i,j,k:longint; s:string[ulen]; begin write(a[a[0]]); for i:=a[0]-1 downto 1 do begin k:=ulen; j:=a[i]; s:=s0; while j>0 do begin s[k]:=chr(j mod 10+48); j:=j div 10; dec(k); end; write(s); end; writeln; end; procedure exp(var a:int;n:longint;var b:int); begin fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); b[0]:=1; b[1]:=1; while n>1 do begin if n and 1 = 1 then begin mul(a,b,t); b:=t; end; mul(a,a,t); a:=t; n:=n>>1; end; mul(a,b,t); b:=t; end; procedure work; var i,j:longint; begin readln(n); if n<16 then begin writeln(f0[n]); exit; end; e:=(n-15)div 5+byte((n-15)mod 5>0); r:=n-5*e; a[0]:=1; a[1]:=4; exp(a,e,b); mul(b,f0[r],c); print(c); end; begin work; end.
2022年1月10日 21:07
The Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Samiti has also successfully completed the lateral entry admission selection tests for vacant seats of Class 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th Grade admission selection tests. A huge number of students are participated in lateral entry exam and the students are waiting to check JNV Result 2022 District Selected list Navodaya Result 2022 Class 6 along with waiting listed student details for all rural and urban area schools across in the state. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samity is announced the 5th to 6th Class Result for the listed regions or zones in district wise for all rural and urban area schools of the country in roll number wise along with the name of the student.
2022年5月04日 14:07
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education Ajmer Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan isabbreviated as BSER. It is a board of education for school level education in the Rajasthan. BSER is a state agency Rajasthan Board 10th Syllabus 2023 of the Government of Rajasthan. Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan has headquarters in Ajmer. It is responsible for promotion and development of secondary education in Rajasthan. BSER was set up in the year 1957. It was established under the Rajasthan Secondary Education Act 1957.